Join us on Sunday, November 24th, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for our Ministry Fair! This is a unique opportunity to explore the different ministries that make our parish so vibrant and impactful. Learn about the diverse ways each ministry serves our community, from outreach and support services to worship and faith formation.
We are so excited to share the results of our Fall Fundraisers from 2024: Bingo, Big Give, & Oktoberfest! Click here for the results & list of all those who contributed to the success of our Oktoberfest event! Thank you to all who contributed and participated!
Join Our Lady of Guadalupe - Helotes in celebrating the Solemnity of Christ the King on Sunday, November 24! In honor of this great feast day, we will have a Eucharistic procession down Riggs Road following the 7:30 AM Mass. You are welcome to walk along with us or view from your vehicle. Viva Cristo Rey!
The time is near for our annual Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage! Join us on Thursday, December 12th, as we begin at our parish and journey together to OLG-San Antonio. Click Here for more info about the day and the activities leading up to it.
Click here to learn more about the ordination of Seminarian Robert Shelton to the Order of the Transitional Diaconate and his First Mass & Reception at OLG.
Join us for Our Lady of Guadalupe - Helotes’ annual Night of Worship Advent Penance Service on Wednesday, December 4th from 7-9 PM! Click Here for more info!