You’re invited to join us for a day of prayer, reflection, and personal spiritual growth at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Annual Retreat. This event will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 PM in the Parish Hall at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, at 13715 Riggs Road in Helotes. Click Here for more information!
Come to our first initial gathering of the Catholic Daughters on Monday, July 29th from 6 - 9 PM in the Parish Hall. We are thrilled to announce that Mary Jane Albert, First Vice State Regent, and Virginia Olsovsky, Second Vice State Regent, will be attending and speaking at our meeting. This is a unique opportunity for us to learn from their extensive knowledge and experience as they discuss the Catholic Daughters organization and answer any questions. All women are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Join us in celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which honors her being taken into heaven, on Thursday, August 15th, a holy day of obligation. Click here to view the Mass dates and times.
We are in need of raffle donations for our upcoming Oktoberfest Fundraiser. Please click here to view the donation items we are in need of and sign up! We appreciate your generosity and support of our parish!
Join us for an upcoming event planning meeting to help organize our Oktoberfest Fundraiser! Whether you're bursting with ideas or eager to lend a helping hand, we welcome your talents and gifts to make this event a resounding success. Your participation will help us create a memorable and enjoyable experience for our parish community. Let's come together and support OLG!
As we look back on the history of the Church in San Antonio, we are not just reciting events of the past, but reflecting on how Christ has been present with us every step of the way, in good times and dark times, in times of plenty and times of loss. It is only in Christ that we can make sense of where we have been, and where we are going. To learn more about how you can buy this special edition book, please click here!