Teen RCIA is a formation process, a way of life, for those wishing to join the Catholic Church. Our Teen RCIA is takes young people on a journey through the entire Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. Middle and High School students who would like to receive the following sacraments are invited to attend: Baptism, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.
Deadline to register: September 22, 2024 and class space is limited
Classes Meet: Most Sundays, 3 pm - 5:30 pm
Class calendar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p3Az_Bsku9KGGXcXBOaubOVLzR890OZg9WFXTgS6YlI/edit?usp=sharing
If a candidate misses class, they should watch the missed lesson and email a photo of the book section “Watch it videos” to Shelly at [email protected] no later than one week after the missed class.. Students can not miss more than 4 classes. Please see the lesson list below to see which chapter lesson needs to be done. If more than four classes are missed, the candidate will be removed from the RCIA program.
OLG gets charged every time an account is created with this link so please only create one account per family. Parents, you are welcome to check out the videos we use but please use your teen’s account to do so.
Once an account has been created, you will be able to view all study videos for the Chosen program through a platform called Thinktific. After creating a password you will need to click “complete your purchase” but you will not be charged, the amount due will be zero. If you ever have issues accessing the videos, please contact Ascension support at: [email protected]